At The Hammond Group, we have built our reputation by providing high quality professional marketing services for nearly 20 years. We take pride in helping our clients meet their business goals. We guarantee the best customer support during the consultation process and stand by our ideas and products once your marketing campaign begins.

direct mail

Direct mail is a large part of our business and a wonderful option for many small businesses. It has a proven track record, is cost-effective, and generates a reliable return on investment.

Unlike many of the underperforming, mass-produced mailings that you see in your mailbox, direct mail produced by The Hammond Group is custom-designed and geared towards a specific demographic audience. We use several lifestyle and demographic databases to increase your success rate.

Not only will direct mail produced by The Hammond Group increase your bottom line, but it will create a lasting positive impression about your business—helping you with future sales.

Web Design

Increase the reach of your company with a professional designed website. A well-designed site can reach new audiences, reinforce the value of your business with existing clients, and accelerate payment cycles. It’s extremely cost effective and completely scaleable. As your business grows and evolves, your website can evolve as well.

Whether you are building your first website or redesigning an existing site, The Hammond Group can build your new website to market your business with a strong Internet presence.


We augment our design and marketing expertise with printing by several of the region’s best print shops. We’ve negotiated wholesale rates with these printers to make sure that you receive a better price than you could receive on your own.

Some of the items we can print include:
BrochuresFoldersBusiness CardsCatalogsAnnual ReportsMailingsTable Cards


NewslettersIndoor SignageLawn SignsLetterhead 
EnvelopesPostersOutdoor SignsStickersPostcardsSidewalk SignsFabric Banners


On each job, we request quotes from several competing printers to keep costs as low as possible. Most importantly, we provide oversight for the production and delivery of the print job, ensuring that the final product matches the quality of the original design.

Graphic Design

Your company’s corporate/brand identity is an asset and essential marketing tool to showcase your business throughout a variety of media platforms. A properly designed corporate image should evoke strong feelings of affinity to your company and your products. The Hammond Group can help you create and market an identity that’s memorable and persuasive.